The Institute of Musical Instrument Technology is not a training organisation. If you would like to find out more about a career in Musical Instrument Technology please visit the Music Education Directory web site for an extensive list of courses offered.
An advantage of belonging to the IMIT is access to it's library of specialist books. Our Librarian, Joseph Taylor can be contacted via our contact page.
No Title Author(s)
1 Rehairing of Bows, William Lavis
2 Antonio Stradivari, W Henry Hill
3 Stringed Instruments, Otto H Weissha
4 Acoustics of Orchestral Instruments, E G Richards
5 The Volinda Book, John Hullah Brown
6 Instruments of the Modem Orchestra , George Yendis
7 Making Musical Instruments - Strings & Keyboard, Charles Ford
8 The Determination of Piano String Tensions, Klaus Fenner
9 A Treatise on the Art of Pianoforte Construction , S Woltenden
10 Pianos and Their Makers, Alfred Dokte
11 The Anatomy of the Piano, Herbert S ead
12 The Piano Teacher, Victor Booth
13 The Piano Key & Whippen, Walter & Pfeiffer
14 Piano Tuning and Allied Arts, William Braid Whte
15 Piano Playing Mechanisms, William Braid White
16 The Piano, Helen Rice Hollis
17 Piano, David Crombie
18 Scientific Piano Tuning and Servicing, Alfred H Howe
19 The Piano - Its Acoustics, W V McFerrin
20 Artistyle Music Rolls The Marshall Piano Co Ltd
21 Principles of Player Action Mechanisms, Standard Player Co
22 History of the Piano, Ernest Clossom
23 The Pianoforte , William Lesley Sumner
24 Duo Art Reproducing Piano , The Aeolian Company
25 The Modem Piano, M Nader
26 The Piano from Zither to Grand, David S Grover
27 Grand Voicing , Franz Rudolf Dietz
28 Pianos in Practice, Eric Smith
29 People And Pianos, Theodore E Steinway
30 Men Women and Pianos, Arthur Loesser
31 Compensating System, The Boosey & Hawkes Oppernor
32 Making and Adjusting Single Reeds, Kalmen
33 The Organ Today, Herbert Norman & H John Norman
34 Organ Building Technology, Warwickshire Education Comm,
35 The Church Organ, Noel Bonavia-Hunt
36 The Modem British Organ, Noel Bonavia-Hunt
37 Modem Organ Building, W & T Lewis
38 The Organ, Cecil Clutton
39 The British Organ, Cecil Dutton & Austin Nilard
40 Introduction to the Organ, Austin Niland
41 Organ Building Technolog, GJ Chevenix Trench
42 The Art of Organ Budding, G A Audsley
43 The Organ of the Twenteth Century, G A Audsley
44 Organ Construction and Tuning, Oliver C Faust
45 The Recent Revolution in Organ Building, George L Miller
46 Tuning, Care and Repair of Reed & Pipe Organs, Niles Bryant School
47 Repairing the Reed Organ, S G Earl
48 The Reed Organ , Sears, Roebuck & Co
49 The Electric Organ, R Whitworth
50 The Electronic Musical Instrument Manual, Alan Douglas
51 The Calculating Technician, David Roberts
52 Band Instrument Repairing Manual, Eric D Brand
53 The Complete Organist, Harvey Grace
54 Makers of Harpsichord and Clavichord, H Boalch
55 Three Centuries of Harpsichord Making, Frank Hubbard
56 How to Maintain a Modem Harpsichord, Hanns Neupert
57 The Modem Harpsichord, Peter Owen
58 The Clavichord, Hanes Neupert
59 Musical Instruments Made to be Played, Ronald Roberts
60 Musical Instruments, Karl Geiringe
61 The Clarinet , F Geoffrey Kendall
62 The Oboe, Ernest Benn
63 The Flute & Flute Playing, Theobald Boehm
64 Making a Folk Guitar, John Bailey
65 The Theory of Sound - Vol 1 & 2, JWS Rayleigh
66 Psychology of Music, Cad E Seashore
67 Music, Physics and Engineering, Harry F Olson
68 The Physics of Musical Sounds, C A Taylor
69 The Dolmetsch Workshop, C Leslie C Ward
70 The History of Orchestration, Adam Carse
71 On the Sensation of Tone, Hermann Helmholtz
72 Music, Sound and Sensation, Fritz Winckel
73 Reproduction of Sound, Edgar Villchur
74 Harmonics or The Philosophy of Musical Sounds, Robert Smith
75 Science and Music, Sir James Jeans
76 The Dynamical Theory of Sound, Horace Lamb
77 Hyperacoustics, John L Dunk
78 Elementary Harmony , Eric H Thgimann
79 They All Played Ragtime, Harriet Jarvis
80 Pierce Piano Atlas, - 7th Edition
81 The Musician Piano Atlas, S K Taylor
82 Preventative Maintenance of: Saxophones, Otto H Weisshaar
83 Bassoons, Otto H Weisshaar
84 Clarinets, Otto H Weisshaar
85 Oboe & Cor Anglais , Otto H Weisshaar
86 Piston Valve Instruments, Otto H Weisshaar
87 Rotary Valve Instruments, Otto H Weisshaar
88 Trombones, Otto H Weisshaar
89 Percussion Instruments, Otto H Weisshaar
90 Re-enacting the Artist, Larry Givens
91 Going Down, Clive Bright
92 Emanuel Moor , Max Pirani
93 Bach, Imogent Hoist
94 The International Book of Wood , Hugh Johnson
95 Humidification Humidifier, Service Advisory
96 The Ampico Inspectors Instruction Book, American Piano Company
97 Ampico Reprodudng Piano Service Manual 1929
98 Sanderson Accu-Tuner Operating Manual
99 BIOS 2 - Journal of the Brit. Inst. of Organ Studies, BIOS
100 BIOS3-do, BIOS
101 Duplex Slide Rule TF65, Lothar Thomma & Klaus Fenner
102 Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, RMA
103 Apparatus and Games for the Blind, RNIB
Great piano services
09-02-2024Piano servicing
29-01-2024First Tuning in 17 years
21-03-2018Meeting of IMIT Council in London
03-07-2024 02:00AM
Zoom meeting of IMIT Council
21-04-2024 08:00PM
Zoom meeting of IMIT Council
28-01-2024 08:00PM