Objectives of the IMIT:
The advancement of Musical Instrument Technology through the exchange of information and ideas. The promotion of the professional status of members engaged in musical instrument design, manufacture, repair and marketing.
Categories of membership:
A Student has to be at least 16 years old and to be studying for a career in musical instrument technology, manufacture or maintenance, either at an approved educational establishment or under the direction of a Fellow or Member of the Institute.
A Graduate require the same minimum status as Students and may have been a
Student member for up to 5 years. The first 2 years being free and then for up to 3
years at the cunent Student member Subscription. They may be required to submit
their Graduation Certificate. The Graduate can only hold this grade of membership
for a maximum of 2 years and must then apply for election as an Associate.
An Associate has to have been regularly educated in musical instrument technology and to have been engaged for at least two years in musical instrument manufacture or maintenance. Candidates for the Associateship may be called upon to pass an examination or to submit a thesis.
A Member has to possess recognised technical qualifications, have been a practising musical instrument maker or repairer of at least seven years standing, and to have either held a position of responsibility for at least five years or to have carried out research of acknowledged importance.
A Fellow has to have satisfied Council of his/her eminence in the profession or of the importance and value of his/her services to musical instrument technology.
The Institute also has distinguished Honorary Fellows elected by Council, and Companions who are interested in the work of the Institute but not themselves professional musical instrument makers. Candidates normally need to be proposed by a Fellow or Member, the higher grades requiring a seconder also.
Candidates for election as Companions need not be engaged in the Commercial Manufacture or maintenance of Musical Instruments, but must have expressed themselves as anxious to attend the Institutes Lectures personally or to receive copies of the lectures delivered
A separate cheque or Postal Order should be made out for (A) and (B)
(C)is optional and should be added to (B) if you wish to order, but will be supplied only if your application is successful. If your application is unsuccessful, cheque B will be returned.
(B) Applications for the following Categories must include the relevant fee:
(0): | Student (first two years) | Free | |
(1a): | Graduate (for a further year whilst gaining experience) | Free | |
| *Associate
| £63.00
| |
(3): | Member | £63.00 | |
(4): | Fellow | £80.00 | |
(5): | Companion | £60 00 | |
(6): | Retired | £45 00 |
(C] Institute tie and badge (special reduced price) £10.00
Further information may be obtained from:
Honorary Secretary
Malcolm Dalton
Northfield House,
11 Kendal Avenue South,
Surrey CR2 0QR
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